Sparganium emersum

Bulrush Family [Typhaceae]  

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15th Aug 2008, Canal feeder, Rushton Spencer, Staffs. Photo: © RWD
Like Branched Bur-Reed, Unbranched Bur-reed is monoecious, with separate male and female flowers on the same plants. The main difference is that Branched Bur-Reed is branched, whereas this one is not. The long linear leaves are keeled (stiff due to a V-shaped fold along its entire length). The erect leaves ar 3 to 12mm wide (slightly narrower than the 10 to 15mm range of Branched Bur-Reed)

It grows to 60cm high, less than half the 150cm height of Branched Bur-Reed. It is often to be found with leaves only and floating on the surface of the water - with the floating leaves being flat (or only slightly keeled).

15th Aug 2008, Canal feeder, Rushton Spencer, Staffs. Photo: © RWD
The both male and female flowers are spherical, the male are at the top of the stem with the female flowers below them. The male have a crowd of yellowish anthers around them whereas the female flowers many white styles with stigmas atop. Both are spherical.

15th Aug 2008, Canal feeder, Rushton Spencer, Staffs. Photo: © RWD

24th June 2006, Birmingham Canal Navigations Photo: © RWD

24th June 2006, Birmingham Canal Navigations Photo: © RWD

24th June 2006, Birmingham Canal Navigations Photo: © RWD
The long filaments and long cream-coloured anthers of Meadow-rues, especially the largest, Common Meadow-Rue, resemble the male flowers of the aquatic Bur-reed plants such as Branched Bur-Reed and Unbranched Bur-reed. However, that is as far as any resemblance goes, they are otherwise totally different.

11th Aug 2018, Leeds & L/pool canal, Maghull, Sefton. Photo: © RWD
The leaves of Unbranched Bur-Reed often lie on the surface of the water; they are not usually upright as the previous photos show.

11th Aug 2018, Leeds & L/pool canal, Maghull, Sefton. Photo: © RWD
The leaves are fairly narrow.

11th Aug 2018, Leeds & L/pool canal, Maghull, Sefton. Photo: © RWD
Some do make a bid for air-supremacy, with their leaves stiffened by a lengthwise V-shaped or a shallow U-shaped cross section.

Some similarities to : Branched Bur-reed, but branched bur-reed has branched stems and is not usually found with floating leaves.

Not to be confused with : Bur-Marigolds such as London Bur-Marigold or Nodding Bur-Marigold [plants with similar name from a different family].

  Sparganium emersum  ⇐ Global Aspect ⇒ Typhaceae  

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Sparganium emersum

Bulrush Family [Typhaceae]  

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